Do you still have access to TaxSlayer Pro?
If you no longer have access to TaxSlayer Pro, you will need to reinstall and reconfigure the program before you can restore your tax returns. If you are able to access TaxSlayer Pro, you are ready to go but it's good practice to be sure you're up to date before reinstalling returns.
If you no longer have access to TaxSlayer Pro (the program is not installed), you need to reinstall it. To download and install the program, complete the following steps:
- Log into Account Hub.
- From the home screen of Account Hub locate Software Options.
- Use the drop-down menu to select and download each year that was lost.
- Once a download completes, follow the on screen options if any to finalize the download.
- Open the downloaded file to install the program.
- Open the program and configure it as you usually do each year.
Tip: If installing multiple years at the same time, start with the oldest year and work forward. This will greatly shorten the process as each year pulls forward the previous year's information.
If you still have access to TaxSlayer Pro, ensure it is up to date. From the Quick Menu, select:
- Updates
- Download/Install Updates
- Select updates that are highlighted in red individually, or check the Check All Needed check box to fetch all available updates. If you're not updating all states, be sure to select the states included in the returns that will be restored if they are highlighted in red.
- Select the Download button. When installation is complete, choose Exit.
Did you create a backup of the Client Returns before your computer crashed?
You can recall returns that were previously backed up to a removable drive.
- For instructions to recall individual returns, click here.
- For instructions to recall business returns, click here.
If you haven't got a backup of your returns, contact TaxSlayer Pro support to initiate a ticket for return recovery.
Have you repaired the Client List?
The Client List, also known as Pick List, is an index of all the returns you have created. Occasionally, this index may be corrupted, causing the Client List to not display returns that have been created. When this occurs, repairing the index usually solves the problem.
To repair the Individual Client List, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Utilities
- Repair Tax Return Pick List
- You will be prompted to be sure all the states included in the tax returns are installed before continuing:
You may not have all the states needed if you just loaded returns off a backup. If you're uncertain, answer NO and check for updates before proceeding. Answer YES to proceed.
To repair the Business Client List, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Business
- Business Utilities
Repair Tax Return Pick List
- You will be prompted to be sure all the states included in the tax returns are installed before continuing. You may not have all the states needed if you just loaded returns off a backup. If you're uncertain, answer NO and check for updates before proceeding. Answer YES to proceed.
Note: The repair process may take a few seconds or a few minutes, depending on how many returns you have created. Once it finishes, verify all your returns show in the individual Client List as well as the various business Client Lists.
If the Client List is still missing returns after taking these steps, contact TaxSlayer Pro Support at 706.868.0985 or email for further assistance.