In TaxSlayer Pro, Diagnostic Errors and Diagnostic Warnings are provided to help ensure the tax returns you create are accurate. As you create a tax return, the program checks information in the background, verifying it is complete and consistent with the current tax laws.
A Diagnostic Error indicates a problem with the tax return that will cause it to reject if it is electronically filed. It could also indicate a problem that needs to be fixed even if the return is being paper filed. Occasionally, however, the return is correct as it is and will have to be paper filed due to the IRS Modernized e-File (MeF) system business rules not being able to accept it as it is.
Returns containing Diagnostic Errors cannot be marked complete or transmitted until the error is corrected. To correct a Diagnostic Error, follow the guidance indicated and make the necessary corrections. Once this is complete the Diagnostic Error will go away.
A Diagnostic Warning indicates something possibly incorrect or missing in the return. Diagnostic Warnings are shown to keep you on your toes and unlike Diagnostic Errors don't prevent you from e-filing. If you see a Diagnostic Warning, read the warning carefully and check the areas of the return it mentions. If everything is correct to the best of your knowledge, no further action is needed. Diagnostic Warnings can't be marked as read and dismissed - they stay as a reminder of potential problems.
Additional Information:
Diagnostic Errors and Warnings - information on how to remove some of them