Occasionally when running one of your web reports, a report may time out and give an error like this:
taxslayerpro.cloudtaxoffice.com says
There is an error on the server, please try again later.
This error can occur when there is a large amount of data included in the report, as well as occasionally a relatively slow internet connection.
If you receive this error, before attempting to run the report again, close the web reports browser window and reopen web reports in a new window.
Steps to try:
1. After making your filter and EFIN selections, if you clicked the dark blue "Run Report" button, try again with the report but clicking the light blue "Run Report for Export" button. The report may take a little while to run but you should eventually see the report window appear. No data will show on-screen since the export button was clicked, so click the light blue "Export Full Report" button to download the CSV file. After it downloads you'll see a notification in your browser, and you can click to open it in your spreadsheet program. The report may take a few minutes to download.
2. If the report is still not being produced, try again running the report for export but shorten the time frame in the report by adjusting the Start Date and/or the End Date.
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