In TaxSlayer ProWeb, after entering information on a particular page it is generally saved once you click the Save or Continue button, whichever is provided. There are certain pages, however, that will prevent you from exiting the page without clicking the Save or Continue button to avoid losing all the information that you've entered. The message you see generally looks like this:
To ensure that your data is being saved properly, please use the buttons located on the page
So, always be sure to use the Save or Continue button, as provided, to leave a page.
Troubleshooting in a new return
If you encounter this message when beginning a new return and are unable to get past it, there's a good chance that the return in a prior year (either the immediate prior year or the year before that) has been incompletely begun and is missing some bit of required information in the Personal Information menu.
To fix this problem, first deactivate the current year return. Then open this return in the prior year client list if it's there and see if any required information is missing in the Personal Information, in particular the Phone Number, and enter it.
If the return is not in the immediate prior year's client list, check the year prior to that and look for missing information in Personal Information, in particular the phone number, and enter it.
Once you've fixed the prior year return, return to the current year and start the return over, not reactivating the return you had started.