Click here for an overview of
TaxSlayer Pro's Web Reports
For an office preparing individual tax returns in TaxSlayer ProWeb, the Office Production Detail Report - Paper provides over 70 columns of information about each return with a sending method of "Paper Return". Its data can help you better understand your clientele and their needs. Report data is available for the current and five prior tax years.
Click here to see the information this report includes.
Setting up and running the report
The report has two menus, one for selecting the report filters and the other for selecting the EFIN(s) to be reported on. Upon arrival at the report window the Filter Selection menu will already be open. Each menu is opened by clicking it.
Filter Selection
Tax Year - The current tax year is selected by default but change to a prior year if needed.
Start Date and End Date - Set the date range for the date type chosen above.
EFIN Selection
Select the EFIN(s) you'd like reported on.
When you've finished with the selections, click one of the two "Run Report" buttons:
If no returns are found, click the orange "Go Back" button to return to the Filter and EFIN Selection menus. It's possible you need to change or broaden one or more of the parameters you specified.
Each time you arrive at the Filter and EFIN Selection menus, all the selections you previously made will have reset to their initial default values, so you'll need to reselect the ones you want for the report.
Control buttons when viewing the report
Selecting the columns to report
You can exclude any column of data you don't want in the report. To exclude a column in the report, click the blue "Column Selection" heading to reveal the report columns.
Column Selection
To exclude a column, click the blue button with its name. Its color will change to red indicating it's not included, and it will disappear from the report.
An alternate way to select the columns to report is to click the orange "Clear All" button, removing every column in the report, followed by selecting just the columns you desire to be in the report.
What information does this report include?
The Office Production Detail Report - Paper includes the following data for individual tax returns prepared in TaxSlayer ProWeb that are being filed in paper form rather than electronically.
# Savings Bonds (count)
Additional CTC (amount)
AGI (amount)
Ancillary Fees Charged
Ancillary Fees Paid
Average Adv PTC Payment (amount)
Bal Due Returns (amount)
Calculated Prep Fee (amount)
Child Tax Credit (amount)
Created Date (date and time)
Date of Birth
Dependents (count)
Education Tax Credit (amount)
EIC (amount)
Elderly Credit (amount)
Email address
Exemption 7 (Yes/No - relates to return exemptions and Form 8965, obsolete)
Federal Rejected (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Filing status
First Name
Form 1116 (Yes/No)
Form 2441 (amount)
Form 2555 (Yes/No)
Form 8880 (amount)
Form 8888 (Yes/No)
Full year coverage (Yes/No)
Is Deceased (Y/N)
ITIN (Yes/No)
Last 4
Last Date Edited (date and time)
Last Date Printed (date and time)
Last Name
Marked Complete
Marked Paid
Paper Federal (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Paper State (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Prep Fee (amount)
Preparer Name
Primary or Secondary 60+ (count)
Refund (amount of refund)
Return type (Paper Return)
Saving Bond (amount)
Schedule A (Yes/No)
Schedule B (Yes/No)
Schedule C (Yes/No)
Schedule C-EZ (Yes/No)
Schedule D (Yes/No)
Schedule E (Yes/No)
Schedule F (Yes/No)
Schedule H (Yes/No)
Schedule R (Yes/No)
Schedule SE SP (Yes/No)
Schedule SE TP (Yes/No)
Sec. Date of Birth
Sec. First Name
Sec. Last 4
Sec. Last Name
Secondary Email
Spouse Deceased (Y/N)
Spouse ITIN
SSN (taxpayer SSN)
State (2-letter state abbreviation)
State Accepted (date and time)
State Rejected (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Telephone Number
Total Adv PTC repayment (amount)
Total Income (amount)
Total IRS Exemptions (number of people in the return)
Total PTC (amount)
Total Resp Pymnt (amount)
Total State Transmitted (count)
Additional Information: