In TaxSlayer ProWeb, the financial reports menu includes several standard electronic filing and bank product related reports that are received from the IRS, the states, and bank partners.
To access the Financial Reports, from the ProWeb Welcome page select:
- Reports
- Financial Reports
Available Reports
Bonu$ Reports - Prints a report for all check prints that have been approved or declined. (This report to be updated and renamed the Bank Check Payment Record Report.)
Fees Charged - Prints a listing of fees charged by your office for preparers, e-filing and partner programs.
Fee Deposits - Prints a report of all new fee deposits for returns that included a bank product. Click here for more details.
Id Theft Service Report - Prints a list of offices offering Id theft service through TaxSlayer ProWeb partner programs.
Inventory Report - Prints a list of returns that have been marked complete but have not been marked as paid. Click here for more details.
IRS/State ACH Deposits - Prints a report of all new taxpayer deposits from the IRS and state for returns that included a bank product. Click here for more details.
New Business Report - Prints a report of receipts paid on today's business.
Old Bonu$ Reports - Prints a report for all check prints that have been approved or declined and previously printed. (This report to be updated and renamed the Old Bank Check Payment Record Report.)
Old Business Report - Prints a report of receipts paid prior to today.
Old Fee Deposits - Prints a report of all fee deposits for returns that included a bank product prior to today. Click here for more details.
Old IRS/State ACH Deposits - Prints a report of all taxpayer deposits from the IRS and state for returns that included a bank product prior to today. Click here for more details.
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