TaxSlayer Pro includes a number of print options you can use when printing a tax return, and each option includes the ability to mask the SSN or EIN in the printed return.
Setting an option to mask the SSN or EIN is done by clicking its check box for the print option you're viewing. For example, here the masked print option has been selected for the "ONE COPY 1040 ONLY" print option:
With the option set as above, when you print the return using the ONE COPY 1040 ONLY print option, the first 5 digits of any SSNs and EINs will be replaced with Xs.
Since a return with the taxpayer ID numbers that have been masked cannot be filed in paper form, we recommend creating a separate print option specifically for printing masked returns. In this way you can have different print options for different needs, depending on whether or not you wish the taxpayer ID numbers to be masked in a printed copy of the return.
- When editing print options, pay attention to the print option name at the top to be sure you aren't editing the wrong option.
- When changing the name of a print option, begin the name with anything other than the six letters "OPTION". (An option that begins with those letters is considered unused and thus is not available in the View Results menu.)
The instructions below are for the individual print options, but they also apply to the business print options.
Creating a custom masked print option for individual returns
1. To create a custom masked print option in TaxSlayer Pro, from the Quick Menu select:
- Configuration
- Printer / Copies Setup
- Edit Individual Print Options
2. Click the dropdown menu listing the various options and choose one of the unused options that begins with the word "OPTION" (by default these are OPTION K through OPTION O).
3. Click the Set Range button, indicate 1 for the number of copies, and press Enter.
4. Click the Masked Print Option check box.
5. Double-click the print option name in the dropdown menu to open a field to edit the name. Give the option a different and descriptive name that you'll recognize when printing a return, e.g., MASKED RETURN. (Don't start the name with the letters "OPTION".)
6. Click Done when you're finished.
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