The Return Details page in TaxSlayer ProWeb allows you to select the return type for the federal and state tax returns, change third party designee information, and mark a return as a self prepared return.
Federal return
The federal return section displays the federal refund or amount due. To select the federal return type, select an option from the drop down menu. If you intend to transmit only the state return(s), mark the box next to Only transmit the state return(s).
State return
The state return section displays the state refund or state amount due for each state return that was prepared. To select a state return type, select an option from the drop down menu.
Form 8879
In order to electronically file the tax return, enter and/or verify the taxpayer's email address. A PIN will be automatically generated for the taxpayer and the ERO.
Optional Questions
This menu has several items that can be changed if needed.
- Third party designee information - This information pulls in from the Office Designee section in Office Setup, whether to leave this section of the tax return blank or to specify either the preparer or someone else to be the third party designee. Once the Return Details step has been saved, this information won't change even if it's changed in Office Setup, but you can always change it here if needed.
- Self-prepared return - If you have keypunched a return into ProWeb for a client who prepared the return themselves for the purpose of e-filing, you will want to mark the return as a self-prepared return. Checking this button removes the paid preparer information from the return.
Additional Information:
ProWeb: E-File Process Fee Summary Page
ProWeb: E-File Process Bank Account Page