If the message "Another user is accessing this return" appears upon opening a return in TaxSlayer Pro, this means one of two things:
- In a networked office, someone else may have the return open. Check every PC that prepares tax returns to ensure the return is not already open.
- The program was closed at the end of its last session with this return open, so the return is still flagged in the program data as being open. As a result, the program asks you to confirm whether you want to open it or not.
If the return in the networked office is not open, or if this is a standalone PC, select OK to clear the message and access the return.
Note: Closing the program while a return is open may corrupt the return. To protect return data, always exit returns by selecting the Exit button in the Tax Menu, taking you to the Receipt Menu where you can exit the return. Once you've return to the Quick Menu (with or without the Client List showing), you are clear to close the program.