You may need to attach PDF documents to some tax returns to comply with IRS requirements or to provide further information about the return. If returns are transmitted without the required documentation, the IRS may reject the return and it will need to be re-transmitted with the correct attachments. These reject codes often refer to PDFs as "binary attachments".
Where to attach documents for Form 1040:
Proof of dependent personal information:
The documents attached in this section include records for a dependent child who was born and died in the tax year and didn't have a SSN. The attachment is required if you have indicated in the dependent's SSN field that they died during the tax year.
To attach a dependent's death certificate, from the Main Menu of the tax return select:
- Basic Information
- Dependents / Qualifying Person
- In the Dependents menu click Begin next to Death Certificate
- You can either Drag and Drop the required PDFs or upload them. To avoid an IRS reject, the document must be named "DeathCertificate".
- On the bottom right of the screen, click the Attachment List button.
- You can view the document by selecting (Edit). The return will open in the same window. Click the back browser button to return to the tax return.
- To return to the Dependents Menu click Continue.
Form 1099-B (Form 8949) that includes multiple short-term and/or long-term stock transactions:
To attach a PDF copy of these transactions, from the Main Menu of the tax return select:
- Income
- Capital Gains and Losses
- PDF attachments
- You can either drag and drop the PDFs or upload them. You may upload up to 4 PDF files (no more than 5 MB each).
- On the bottom right of the screen, click the Attachment List button.
- You can view the document by selecting pencil icon. The document will open in the same window. Click the back browser button to return to the tax return.
- Click Continue to return to the Income menu.
Form 1098-C - Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes
To enter a contribution of a motor vehicle, boat, or airplane reported on Form 1098-C or similar statement in TaxSlayer ProWeb, from the Federal Section of the tax return (Form 1040) select:
- Deductions
- Itemized Deductions
- Gifts to Charity
- Non-Cash Donations (more than $500) - Enter all the information needed.
- Check here if you were issued a 1098-C for this property - Check the check box and enter all the information as shown on the 1098-C.
If you are e-filing the tax return, you can attach a PDF copy of Form 1098-C here:
- Deductions
- Itemized Deductions
- Gifts to Charity
- Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats and Airplanes
Form 1098-C PDF upload - Click Begin. You can click the drop box to search for the PDF in Windows File
Explorer or drag and drop the PDF onto it
If you do not attach a PDF of Form 1098-C or the statement, then you should mail Copy B of Form 1098-C or the statement along with Form 8453, U.S. Individual Income Tax Transmittal for an IRS e-file Return to the IRS.
Preparer Note for information not in PDF form:
A preparer note can be included with a tax return if the taxpayer or preparer wishes to communicate additional information to the IRS that isn't otherwise required with the return. To add a Preparer Note, from the Main Menu of the tax return select:
- Federal Section
- Miscellaneous Forms
- Explanations
- Preparer Notes
Troubleshooting Tips:
- PDF is the only file format allowed.
- For a return that was rejected because the attachment didn't transmit with the return, make sure the document was attached in the correct location.
- When amending a return, attachments that were included with the original filing don't need to be attached again.
Note: This is a guide on entering PDF attachments into the TaxSlayer ProWeb program. This is not intended as tax advice.
Additional information: