Documents sent to you via the TaxesToGo mobile app are available to you almost instantly in TaxSlayer Pro desktop or ProWeb.
If the taxpayer has sent you documents via TaxesToGo but you cannot see them in the return:
1. Have you claimed the taxpayer's app return?
Documents sent you via the TaxesToGo mobile app aren't available until you have claimed the app.
2. Have you refreshed or reloaded the program?
- If you are using TaxSlayer Pro Desktop, close and reopen the program.
- If you are using TaxSlayer ProWeb, refresh the page.
Note: if the taxpayer has only uploaded documents but did not complete the My Tax Return section of the app, the app return will need to be manually pulled in to see those documents, i.e., pulled in using the e-mail address and tax code. You won't see it in the TaxesToGo queue.