Yes! TaxesToGo can be used to send documents back and forth. You can do this in 4 easy steps!
- You will need to already have the return in your program to use TaxesToGo to only share documents. If you haven't already, go ahead and start the return.
- After starting the return, have your customer download the TaxesToGo mobile app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. They will need to create an account.
- Have your taxpayer upload their tax documents using the Upload Documents feature within the mobile app.
- After your taxpayer has uploaded their tax documents, you will want to associate the app account with the existing tax return in your program. This will allow you to see the documents that the taxpayer has uploaded and send the taxpayer signature documents. (See below for instructions on this step.)
To sync an app account with an existing return, the taxpayer will need to give you their Tax Code provided to them by the app.
For Desktop Users - Be sure you have included the taxpayer's email address in their Name & Address information. From the Main Menu of their tax return select:
- Personal Information
- Other Categories
- Associate with Pro App Return?
- Enter the Tax Code.
For ProWeb Users - To sync an app account with an existing return, select:
- Client Search
- Locate the client and select the Tools drop-down menu on the right side of the screen
- Sync Return with Mobile App
- Enter the taxpayer's email address and Tax Code.
After the return is synced, you will be able to see the documents uploaded through the app and you will be able to send signature documents to the taxpayer.