To transmit tax return(s), from the Main Menu of TaxSlayer Pro on the Transmitting Computer select:
- E-File
- Transmit Electronic Return(s)
The TaxSlayer Pro Transmission Table lists returns that have been marked for electronic filing and marked complete. If you do not see a return in the table that you expect to see there, verify that both of these aspects about the return are true.
Add Client - Click this button to add a return to the transmission table. This may be needed if, for example, the IRS rejected a return and once corrected needs to be resubmitted. Select the Add button and then enter the taxpayer's SSN. If you can't find the return you wish to add, it has not been marked for electronic filing and/or it has not been marked complete.
Clear Filters - If you have filtered the table by a column and now wish to return to viewing all clients, click the Clear Filters button.
Print - Click this button to print a copy of the current returns in the transmission table, either to paper or PDF. You can include or exclude each column as desired. This is not required before transmitting returns.
Export - Click this button to create a CSV file of the transmission table for importing into your spreadsheet program. You can include or exclude each column as desired. This is not required before transmitting returns.
Remove Client - Click this button to remove one or more returns from the transmission table. This may be needed if, for example, you prematurely marked a return complete, or you learn that a return needs to be changed. Removing a return from the Transmission Table prevents it from being e-filed at this moment, and you will be given the option of having the return pulled back into the table the next time you wish to transmit.
Cancel - To exit the transmission table without transmitting any returns, press the Cancel button.
Transmit - If the transmission table is correct, click the Transmit button. You will be asked, Do You Want a Printed List of Clients Selected to be Sent to the IRS? We recommend printing this list so that you will have a record of the returns you were transmitting. This list, "Returns To Be Transmitted To TaxSlayer Pro", shows that you created a Transmission File. The returns have't been transmitted yet.
After the report prints (whether to paper or PDF), you will be asked if it printed correctly. If so, select YES. (If you select NO, you will be returned to the E-File menu and nothing will be transmitted.)
When the TaxSlayer Pro Communications Window appears, select Connect. A description of each action taken in the transmission process will display in the window. When prompted, click the Exit button to return to the E-File Menu.
TaxSlayer Pro cannot stop or delete any transmissions once they are transmitted by your office.
Print Reports should show double arrows (>>) next to it indicating one or more reports need to be printed, including Transmission Confirmation. The transmission confirmation report serves as your "receipt". If you do not receive a transmission confirmation report, the transmission file was not successfully sent to the TaxSlayer Pro server.
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