Individual Returns/Extensions
The deadline for submitting individual income tax returns and extensions is generally midnight on April 15 of the year following the tax year. If the deadline falls on a Saturday or Sunday, returns are generally due the following Monday. If the following Monday is celebrating Emancipation Day in Washington D.C., the deadline is generally extended to Tuesday.
To ensure that all transmissions are considered timely filed, please have all returns and extensions transmitted to TaxSlayer Pro no later than 11:59 PM local time on the due date. Due to the always-present potential for disruptions in your work, we advise finalizing and transmitting all returns and extensions well before the midnight deadline.
Individual returns and extensions that are rejected by the IRS can be corrected and re-transmitted within five days and still be considered timely filed. All corrected individual returns and extensions must be transmitted no later than 11:59 PM local time five days after the filing deadline.
Returns Not Accepted Reports
We highly recommend running the Federal Non-accepted Returns and State Non-accepted Returns reports before the filing deadline to help ensure all returns and extensions have been transmitted and accepted.
To view and print these reports, from the ProWeb Welcome page select:
- Reports
- Transmission Reports
- Federal
Federal Non-accepted Returns
and - State
- State Non-accepted Returns
Note: These reports will only show returns that have been marked for electronic filing and either have no acknowledgement or have been rejected.
Additional Information: