Taxpayers can request a Santa Barbara TPG Fast Forward deposit when they select to apply for a Refund Transfer with direct deposit product. When the IRS funds their federal refund, they can get their refund direct deposit up to 5 days early.
In order for a taxpayer to apply for this product, their personal bank account must belong to a bank participating in the program and their federal refund must be $10,000 or less. There is an additional $25 fee, taken from the taxpayer's refund associated with the Fast Forward deposit.
In TaxSlayer ProWeb, if the taxpayer's bank participates in Fast Forward then you'll be prompted to see if they want to use the service. If the taxpayer's bank does not participate in the service, then you won't be prompted.
To apply for a Santa Barbara Fast Forward Deposit in TaxSlayer ProWeb:
- Select E-file.
- In the Return Details step of the e-file process, select one of the two Santa Barbara disbursement methods by direct deposit, either with or without an advance if desired:
- Finish the Return Details step and select Continue to proceed to the Fees step, and after finishing that step select Continue to proceed to the Bank Account step.
- Enter the taxpayer's bank account information. If their bank participates in the Fast Forward program, you will be asked if the taxpayer wishes to utilize it:
Click Yes or No as appropriate.
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