The Oregon Kicker Tax Credit is the state's way of returning money to taxpayers when there is a revenue surplus. For a taxpayer to receive the credit on their current year's Oregon tax return, they must have filed an Oregon tax return last year.
To access the Kicker Credit in TaxSlayer ProWeb, from the Oregon Return menu select:
- Credits
- Refundable Credits
- Surplus Credit (Kicker) - Click BEGIN to go to the Surplus Kicker Worksheet Menu and enter the information needed or scroll to the bottom for the link to the "What's My Kicker?" page at the Oregon DOR website.
You can either calculate the credit in the Kicker Worksheet menu, or you can visit the Oregon DOR to calculate the credit there. For the latter, scroll down the page and look for "Click here to access Oregon's What's My Kicker Tool".
Note: This is a guide on entering the Oregon Kicker credit in TaxSlayer ProWeb. It is not intended as tax advice.
Additional Information:
Oregon DOR: Kicker Tax Credit Information