Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, and 990-T must be filed electronically. There are occasions, however, when the e-file burden cannot be met, e.g., due to technology constraints or due to rejects that cannot be overcome.
If you're preparing a 990-series return in TaxSlayer Pro and it has one or more rejects that you aren't sure how to resolve, call our support team for assistance. We can help you determine how to resolve the reject.
Some rejects, however, cannot be overcome, e.g., a return may reject due to one or more sections not being completed because the organization had no income or donations. In this case, your next solution is to call the IRS e-Help Desk at 866.255.0654 for assistance and to find out if the organization can receive authorization to file its annual return in paper form.
Additional Information:
Common Form 990 E-File Reject Codes
Common Form 990-EZ E-File Reject Codes
Common Form 990-PF E-File Reject Codes
Form 990-N - Annual Electronic Notice for Small Organizations