Before amending any return, save a copy of the original return to paper or PDF for reference purposes as the original form will be changed as a result of the amending process.
Form 990 doesn't have a separate form for the purpose of amending. Rather, it has a check box at the top of the form indicating it has been amended.
To amend Form 990 in TaxSlayer Pro, follow these steps:
- Open the return and correct it as needed. Keep track of the line number(s) changed and the reason(s) for the change for the next step.
- From the Main Menu of the return select:
- Heading Information
- Other Categories
- Amended Return - Answer YES to the question to confirm that you are amending.
- For each change you made, select New, then enter four bits of info:
- The line number changed (digits only, no letters);
- A brief description (50 characters max);
- The amount on the line in the previously filed return;
- The amount on the line in this return.
Repeat the above steps for each line number that you changed.
When you print the return, there will be an X in the Amended Return check box in the Form 990 heading indicating that the return has been amended.
Note: The amended Form 990 return can be electronically filed.