Wage and/or pension income reported by a foreign employer that doesn't have an EIN is entered in the individual tax return in TaxSlayer Pro as Foreign Employer Compensation (FEC).
To enter FEC in the individual tax return in TaxSlayer ProWeb, from the Federal Section of the tax return select:
- Income
- Other Income
- Other Compensation
- Foreign Earned Compensation
- Whose form is this? - For MFJ returns, select Taxpayer or Spouse as appropriate.
- Foreign Employer ID - The employer ID number is optional.
- Foreign Employer Name - Enter the foreign employer's name.
- Country Services were Performed - Select the country from the drop down menu, or if the services were performed in the US check the "Services Performed in USA" check box.
- Foreign Compensation includes amounts paid by employer - Enter the amount of compensation, if any.
- Foreign Pension Received - Enter the amount of foreign pension, if any.
- Foreign Taxable Pension - Enter the taxable amount of the foreign pension, if any.
- Foreign Employer Address - Enter the foreign employer's foreign address.
- Employee Address - Enter the taxpayer's US address.
When you have finished entering the FEC information, select Continue.
Note: This is a guide to entering Foreign Employer Compensation in TaxSlayer ProWeb. This is not intended as tax advice.
Additional Information:
Publication 901, US Tax Treaties