Use Form 8864 (Rev. January 2023) to claim section 40A biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels credit or the section 40B sustainable aviation fuel credit. Claim the credit for the tax year in which the sale or use occurs. The section 40A credit consists of the:
Biodiesel credit,
Renewable diesel credit,
Biodiesel mixture credit,
Renewable diesel mixture credit, and
Small agri-biodiesel producer credit.
Partnerships, S corporations, cooperatives, estates, and trusts must file this form to claim the credit. All other taxpayers aren’t required to complete or file this form if their only source for this credit is a partnership, S corporation, cooperative, estate, or trust. Instead, they can report this credit directly on the appropriate line of Form 3800, General Business Credit (for 2022, that’s Part III, line 1l).
To access Form 8864 in TaxSlayer Pro, from the main menu of the 1040 select:
- Credits
- General Business Credits
- Current Year General Business Credits
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