Philadelphia Business Income & Receipts Tax Return (BIRT)
Can be e-filed? Yes. Must have a valid city account number in order to e-file.
Can be e-filed by itself, separate from the Pennsylvania return? Yes. Mark it electronic in the Philadelphia return and select PHB when marking state only box at the transmission table. The return will display as state only / PHB on the returns to be transmitted report.
Philadelphia Employee Earnings Tax Return (EET)
Can be e-filed? No.
Philadelphia Net Profits Tax Return (NPT)
Can be e-filed? Yes. Must have a valid city account number in order to e-file.
Can be e-filed by itself, separate from the Pennsylvania return? Yes. Mark it electronic in the Philadelphia return and select PHN when marking state only box at the transmission table. The return will display as state only / PHN on the returns to be transmitted report
Philadelphia School Income Tax Return (SIT)
Can be e-filed? Yes. Must have a valid city account number in order to e-file.
Can be e-filed by itself, separate from the Pennsylvania return? Yes. Mark it electronic in the Philadelphia return and select PHS when marking state only box at the transmission table. The return will display as state only / PHS on the returns to be transmitted report
Philadelphia Income-Based Wage Tax Refund Petition
Can be e-filed? No.
Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax Return (Berkheimer)
Can be e-filed? No.
Pennsylvania Property Tax / Rent Rebate
Can be e-filed? No.
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