Marking a return private will remove the SSN / EIN and Fees Charged / Paid from the Client List. If you are preparing a return that you may not want others in the tax office to see, such as your personal return, then select the option for Privacy Settings. You will be asked to password protect the return. If you need to go back into the return, you must enter your password when prompted by the program.
To mark an individual tax return private in the tax program
- From the welcome menu of TaxSlayer ProWeb select Client Search.
- Locate the client who's return you wish to mark private.
- Use the Tools drop down box next to the client return and select Privacy Settings.
- On the next screen it will default to "Yes". You will need to enter a password and confirm that password.
When completed the return will require the password to open.
To remove the Privacy Settings from the return go back into the Privacy Settings from the Tools Drop down box and change the question "Would you like to mark this return private?" to "No".