An Iowa return will reject with code X0000-006 if some data element doesn't match the Iowa e-file schema. This is a generic code for any number of schema-related rejects, so you'll need to read the reject description to determine where in the return the problem lies.
Here are some examples of reject descriptions and how to fix them.
The element 'Claimed' in namespace '' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'CertificateNumber, CurrentYearAmount' in namespace ''.
In the Iowa individual tax return, this reject indicates that for a refundable credit the credit certificate number and/or credit amount is missing.
To correct this reject, from the Iowa Tax Return menu select:
- Payments and Refundable Credits
- Other Refundable Credits - Select each credit and add the certificate number and/or credit amount as needed.
The element 'RefundDirectDeposit' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'Amount' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'BankAccountNumber' in namespace ''.
Verify the bank information in the Iowa return is complete.
The element 'FirstInput' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'InputTimestamp' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'DepositorAccountNum' in namespace ''.
Verify the bank information in the Iowa return is complete.