F8962-070 | The e-File database indicates that Form 8962 or a binary attachment with description containing "ACA Explanation" must be present in the return. TaxSlayer Pro Knowledgebase article for Desktop: |
IND-181-01 |
The Primary Taxpayer did not enter a valid Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN). Please visit www.irs.gov/getanippin for further information and resubmit your return with the correct number.
IND-517-01 |
A Dependent SSN in the return must not be the same as the Primary or Spouse SSN on another return where 'PrimaryClaimAsDependentInd' or 'SpouseClaimAsDependentInd' is not checked.
R0000-500-01 |
'PrimarySSN' and 'PrimaryNameControlTxt' in the Return Header must match the e-File database.
IND-452 |
In an original return, the Primary SSN in the Return Header must not be the same as the TIN of a previously accepted electronic Individual return filed for the same tax period.
IND-180-01 |
Primary taxpayer's Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) must match the e-File database. Please double check your entry and resubmit your return with the correct number.
SH-F1040-520-01 |
Schedule H (Form 1040), 'EmployerEIN' and 'EmployerNameControlTxt' must match data in the e-File database.
SEIC-F1040-501-02 |
Each 'QualifyingChildNameControlTxt' that has a value on Schedule EIC(Form 1040), Line 1, and 'QualifyingChildSSN' that has a value on Line 2, must match that in the e-File database.
SEIC-F1040-506-03 |
Each 'QualifyingChildSSN' that has a value on Schedule EIC (Form 1040), must not be equal to another Qualifying Child SSN on another accepted return for the same tax year.
F1040-164-01 |
Form 8862 must be present in the return with Earned Income Credit Claimed Indicator checked. The e-File database indicates the taxpayer must file Form 8862 to claim Earned Income Credit after disallowance.