Reject Code: OH-PIT-004
Ohio and/or school district tax withheld is claimed on the return(s) but no income statement forms with Ohio and/or tax withheld are included with the return. Please correct and retransmit.
A taxpayer in Ohio may have one or both of municipal tax and school district tax withheld in the state section of their Form W-2. This information is printed on the physical W-2 in a variety of ways, but the Ohio e-file rules are strict as to how this information should be entered in both the federal and state tax returns, so to avoid this reject the Ohio municipal and school district information must be correctly entered in the W-2 menu in TaxSlayer Pro.
An Ohio W-2 requires two state lines to be used.
- In addition to the state information, the first line includes the locality wage and withholding information. In the last box on the right, spell out the locality as much as can be entered.
- The second line is for the school district wage and withholding information. In the last box on the right indicate the school district with four numbers only. Do not include anything else, e.g., the letters "SD" or the # symbol.
In the W-2 entry window, don't swap the school district and locality lines - the state is looking for the four-digit school district code on the second line, and the return will reject if it's not there.
To correct this reject in TaxSlayer Pro, from the Main Menu of the tax return (Form 1040) select:
- Income
Wages, Salaries, Tips (W-2) - Select the W-2 with the Ohio withholdings. Look at the locality information and school district information in Boxes 18-20 and 24-26 to ensure it is correctly entered.
Here is an example of a correctly entered W-2 with Ohio municipal and school district information, with the municipality entered on the first state line in Boxes 18-20 and the school district entered on the second line in Boxes 24-26:
Note: After correcting the W-2, reopen the Ohio return, the school district return(s), and the locality return(s) to ensure they are updated with the new information.
Additional Information: