In TaxSlayer ProWeb, on the Submission page in a tax return the check box "Mark tax return as complete" must be checked to be able to transmit the return. Since the return is able to be transmitted, both from the Submission Page as well as from the Transmissions menu on the ProWeb Welcome page, it's best not to check the box until you're sure it's ready to go.
You can revert the return back to "In Progress" status if
- the return's invoice has not been marked as paid, and
- the security role you've been assigned allows it.
To unmark the return as complete, scroll down to the bottom of the the Submission Page in the return and uncheck the box. If the box is grayed out and you aren't able to uncheck the box, either your security role doesn't allow you to revert a return back to In Progress or the invoice has been marked paid.
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