In TaxSlayer ProWeb, the Customer Portal enables preparers and taxpayers to securely share documents, including signature documents. Before the preparer and taxpayer can begin sharing documents through Customer Portal, the Customer Portal Registration Link for the return must be created, and the taxpayer must use the link to create their Customer Portal.
Note: In the Personal Information page of the tax return, the taxpayer's SSN, phone number, and e-mail address must be entered before the Customer Portal Registration Link can be sent to the taxpayer.
The Customer Portal Registration Link can be sent from four different locations within the TaxSlayer ProWeb return:
- Basic Information / Personal Information Menu - At the bottom of the Personal Information Menu, you can select to send a Customer Portal invite to either the taxpayer's phone (must be a mobile phone), or to their email address if these fields were entered in the menu above:
Left-hand navigation menu - From the left-hand navigation menu, select Create Customer Portal:
Taxpayer's name drop-down menu - From the taxpayer's name drop-down menu at the top right of the return, select Create Customer Portal:
Submission Page: From the Submission page of the return, select Customer Portal:
Selecting any of the latter three above options will open the Customer Portal Link page. Enter either the taxpayer's Phone Number or Email Address to send the Customer Portal registration link.
Note: Do not use the same e-mail address or mobile number for multiple taxpayers. Each taxpayer should have a unique mobile number and e-mail address. Do not use your e-mail address or mobile number.
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