New Mexico recognizes and accepts an IRS automatic six-month extension of time to file, and if the taxpayer has filed a federal extension, the New Mexico tax return is also extended to October 15.
To indicate in the New Mexico individual income tax return that the due date has been extended, from the New Mexico state return menu select:
- Personal Information
- Other Categories
- Extension
- Was a Federal or State Extension Filed? - Answer Yes.
- Date Extension Expires - Enter the extended due date.
- Federal Extension Reason - Enter the reason a federal extension was requested.
If the taxpayer hasn't filed for a federal extension but needs more time to file their New Mexico tax return, or if the taxpayer has obtained a federal extension but needs more time to file their New Mexico tax return beyond the extended due date, they can file for an extension using Form RPD-41096. This form is not available in TaxSlayer Pro but can be obtained at the New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Forms and Publications website here. Enter RPD-41096 in the search box and click Search.
Penalty for failure to file and pay is waived through the extension period, provided the taxpayer files the return and pays the tax shown on the return by the extended due date. Interest accrues, however, even if the taxpayer obtains an extension of time to file and pay the return. To avoid interest charges, payment can be made with Form PIT-EXT or online at the Taxpayer Access Point.
To complete Form PIT-EXT in the New Mexico individual income tax return, from the New Mexico Tax Return Menu select:
- Miscellaneous Forms
- Extension of Time to File
- Enter Extension Payment - Enter the amount being paid with Form PIT-EXT.
Mail Form PIT-EXT to the address on the form.
Additional Information: