Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) supplements wages for eligible workers over the age of 50, paying up to 50% of the difference in wages for new employment that pays less than their trade-affected employment.
RTAA is treated as a cash benefit and not earned income. An individual who receives RTAA payments will be issued a Form 1099-G with an amount in Box 5.
To enter RTAA payments in TaxSlayer ProWeb, from the Federal Section of the tax return (Form 1040) select:
- Income
- Other Income
- Other Income Not Reported Elsewhere - If filing MFJ, indicate if the income is for the taxpayer or the spouse.
- Other Income Description - In the drop down menu select "Other Income".
- Description of other Income - Enter "RTAA".
- Amount of other income - Enter the amount.
Note: This is a guide to entering RTAA benefits into TaxSlayer ProWeb. It is not intended as tax advice.
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