Reject Code: F540-670
There is an error on Form 540 Line 71 [CAWithholding]. Line 71 [CAWithholding] must equal the total amounts withheld on all W-2, W-2G, 1099-R forms and [OtherWithholding] [Amount] where: On Form W-2 'CA' is present in Line 15 [StateAbbreviationCd]. Withholding Amount Checked: Line 17 [StateIncomeTaxAmt]. On Form W-2G 'CA' is present in Line 13 [StateAbbreviationCd]. Withholding Amount Checked: Line 15 [StateTaxWithheldAmt]. On Form 1099-R 'CA' is present in Line 15 [StateAbbreviationCd]. Withholding Amount Checked: Line 14 [StateTaxWithheldAmt]. Exception: The [FilerStatus] is equal to [MarriedOrRDPFilingSeparately].
State tax withholdings reported on a document other than Form W-2, W-2G, or 1099-R are entered in the federal return under the Payments, Estimates & EIC menu. California reject code F540-670 occurs when these other state withholdings are entered on the federal section of the return but have not been identified on the state return.
To correct California reject code F540-670 in TaxSlayer Pro, from the main menu of the California state return select:
- Total Payments
- Withholding Not from W-2, W-2G, 1099R
- Did you claim Other CA Withholding? - Select YES.
- From the dropdown menu, select which form the the withholding is reported on.
- Enter the amount of other CA state withholdings.
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