In the Schedule D menu in TaxSlayer Pro, under the Other button is a menu of items that relate to Schedule D. For more information about the Other menu, see here.
One of the menu lines is Is Schedule D Required?. This menu corresponds to the check box on Form 1040 line 7 preceded "Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check here." (In 2019, this check box is on Form 1040 line 6, and prior to 2019 it is on Schedule 1.)
Schedule D isn't required when the only capital gain distribution reported is on 1099-DIV box 2a, and boxes 2b, 2c, and 2d are zero. In that case, this menu line will indicate NO and the check box on the tax return indicating that Schedule D isn't required will be checked. Since Schedule D isn't required it won't print with the print options, though it will still be available under View Results to print if desired.
When Schedule D is indicated as not required, almost none of the other menu lines in the Other menu will be editable. If you need to make an entry in one of the other menu lines, change the answer from NO to YES.
Note that when this line automatically displays YES it is unchangeable. If Schedule D is required you cannot indicate it's not required.