This article covers the procedure in 2019 TaxSlayer Pro for amending the federal Form 1040 and a state tax return that doesn't follow the federal 3-column format but instead follows either of these formats:
- The original return has a check box indicating the return has been amended. Depending on the state, an additional schedule may also be added to the return, or
- A separate form is used for amending (typically ending in the letter X.
Before starting the amending process print a copy of the tax return, either to paper or PDF, so that you'll have a copy of the return as it was originally filed, both for archival purposes as well as to assist in creating or troubleshooting the amended return.
To amend the federal return and amend a state return that uses a check box in TaxSlayer Pro, from the Main Menu of the tax return (Form 1040) select:
- Miscellaneous Forms
- Amended Return (1040X)
- Edit 1040X Menu
- Select the tax year to amend
- Select Original Column – the current information from the return will be pulled to the original column of the 1040-X. This step is only done once; if you accidentally click Original Column a second time, you will need to correct the Original Column manually -or- start the amended return over.
- Exit back to the Form 1040 Menu
- Correct the federal return as needed.
- When you have finished correcting the federal return, return to Miscellaneous Forms
- Amended Return (1040X)
- Edit 1040x Menu
- Select the tax year being amended.
- Select Corrected Column.
- Complete the remaining menu lines that may need entry:
- Questions & Explanation
- Amount Paid with Extensions
- Amount Paid with Original + Additions
- Overpayment on Original
- Apply Refund to - This menu line will display if the bottom line of the amended return is a refund, and the taxpayer can choose to apply the refund to the next tax year. Indicate the two-digit year and amount.
- If you are e-filing the 1040-X, select Mark Form 1040-X to Send Electronically? and answer YES.
- If the amended return results in an amount owed to the IRS, you can enter payment information for the payment to be debited from the taxpayer's bank account by selecting Form 1040-X Electronic Payment. Once you enter the Electronic Payment Menu you will need to enter all the details requested (bank routing and account numbers and account type, amount and date of payment, and a daytime telephone number), otherwise to exit the menu select Remove Electronic Payment. Note: the IRS requires the date of payment to be the date you are transmitting the return. You cannot specify a future payment date.
- If you have indicated that the 1040-X is to be e-filed and it's ready to be sent, select Ready to Send Form 1040-X Electronically? and answer YES. After exiting the return it will be in the E-File Transmission Table and will be sent with the next transmission.
- Exit back to the Form 1040 Menu, then select State Return and select the state being amended.
- For states that indicate the original return is amended with a check box, locate the amended question here:
- Personal Information
- Other Categories
If the return has a separate form for amending purposes, look for it under the Miscellaneous menu.
- After indicating the return is amended, finish the state amended return including whatever other information it requests. Depending on the state, you may be able to pull in the federal explanation, otherwise you'll have to enter the information the state requires to explain why the return is being amended.
The state amended return doesn't e-file linked to the federal amended return. To e-file the state amended return, you will need to manually add it to the E-file Transmission Table, but don't e-file it until the federal amended return has been e-filed and accepted.