In TaxSlayer Pro, there are two reports that you can use to show your clients who received the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Knowing this can be potentially useful in any year, but was especially helpful in 2021 as these clients may have received Advance CTC payments that you would need to report in their tax return.
Client Detail Report
The Client Report can be filtered to list clients who received the Child Tax Credit.
To view a list of clients who received child tax credit, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Reports
- Client Reports - Scroll down and check Credits: Child Tax Credit.
- When the report has finished being produced, select View.
To export the report to a CSV file suitable for opening in your spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel, under the Generate Report Type drop down menu select Export to Microsoft Excel File, then select View again. You will be prompted to select which fields you would like to include on the report. Next you'll be prompted to save the CSV file to your computer in the location that you select.
Production Detail Report
The Production Detail Report includes both the CTC and Additional CTC. It lists all your clients and it can be exported to a CSV file. To run this report, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Reports
- Additional Reports Menu
- Production Detail Report - After the report data loads, you will be prompted to save the file to your computer in the location that you select.
Look for the two columns "Child Tax Credit" and "Add CTC". You can sort the spreadsheet by these two columns to group together returns that received one or both of the CTC and Additional CTC.