Click here for instructions on where to locate your EFIN Validation Code
The EFIN Validation Code is a 12-character code, unique to each EFIN and tax year, and is required by the IRS to be included in every e-filed tax return. (The IRS refers to this number as the vendor control number.)
When you enter the EFIN Validation Code into TaxSlayer Pro, if the wrong code is entered you will see this message:
Invalid EFIN Validation Code
There are several things to check:
- Make sure that you have entered the correct EFIN in the Firm EFIN field in the Firm Information Setup Menu. If the EFIN is not correct, the code will not validate.
- Each tax year has a different code, so be sure you are entering the correct code for the correct software year.
- If you have multiple offices in Account Hub, each office has its own codes for each tax year. If this is a sub-EFIN in a multi-location office, in the Payment History window in Account Hub scroll down until you find the "Additional Locations" section and look for this office's location and its codes.
Also, if you are copying and pasting the code off the screen in Account Hub, be sure to copy only the code, not the space before the code or the period after.
If neither of the above resolves the error, and you are working on the initial program installation, X out of the installation (select the X button at the top right) and start over.
If it still doesn't work after having started over, call TaxSlayer Pro support at 706.868.0985.