Reject Code IND-005-01
If Form 9465 and IRS Payment Record are present in the return, then Form 9465 'PaymentAmt' must be equal to 'PaymentAmt; in IRS Payment Record.
Reject code IND-005-01 occurs when Form 9465 is present in the return and the amount of the payment made with the request does not match the amount of the payment indicated in the electronic filing menu.
How to correct Reject IND-005-01
To correct reject IND-005-01, from the main menu of the tax return (Form 1040), select:
- Miscellaneous Forms
- Installment Agreement Request
- Amount of Payment Made with Request - The amount entered must match the amount entered in the Electronic Payment Menu.
To verify the amount entered in the Electronic Payment Menu, exit back to the main menu of the tax return (Form 1040) and select:
- Mark Return Electronic
- Electronic Payment
- Amount of Tax Payment - Make sure the amount entered matches the Amount of Payment Made With Request in the Form 9465 Installment Agreement Request Menu.
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