Here are the options available for customization in the Office Setup menu in TaxSlayer ProWeb:
Office Name
This is the name of your business.
Selected Bank
If you are approved for bank products with one or more banks, select the bank you wish to use. Only one bank may be selected at a time.
Sales Tax Percentage
Enter the sales tax percentage if you are required by state law to charge sales tax on your preparation fees.
Date to show on printed return
Four options are provided for the date specified in the Paid Preparer Use Only section of the printed Form 1040:
- Current Date - today
- Return Created - the date the return was started
- Return Completed - the date the return was marked complete, or today if not marked complete
- Do Not Print Date - no date will print
Signature On Form 8879
Four options are provided in the dropdown menu for what prints on the "ERO's signature" line on Form 8879:
- Preparer Name Only - print the preparer's signature
- ERO Name Only - print the ERO (firm) name
- Both ERO & Preparer Names - print both of the above
- Leave Blank - print nothing
Partner Product Configuration
If you are enrolled and offering any third-party audit or identity theft protection products, they will be shown here along with any options available to you, including the ability to specify an add-on fee on top of the base fee and whether or not to by default to include the product in the E-File section of the return. (Whether or not you choose to have it included by default, it's always up to the taxpayer to opt in to purchasing the product.)
Cover Page Settings
Four options are provided in the dropdown menu:
- No Cover Page - returns print without a cover page
- Print ERO Information on Cover Page - The first address listed in ERO Setup will print on the cover page.
- Print Office Information on Cover Page - If a single office address has been entered (physical, mailing, or shipping), that address will print. Otherwise, if more than one office address has been entered the physical address will print if it's indicated, and failing that the first address listed will print.
- Print Only Taxpayer Information on Cover Page - Self-explanatory.
Print taxpayer's bank RTN/DAN on a bank product with direct deposit
If checked, the taxpayer's bank account info will print on Form 1040, rather than the bank partner's account info.
Print Digital Signatures on 1040
If checked, the taxpayer and preparer signatures will print on the Form 1040.
Require taxpayer signatures prior to e-file
If checked, the taxpayer and spouse must have signed the return before it can be e-filed.
Offer 8888
If checked, returns with a refund indicated for direct deposit will include the Form 8888 options on the E-File page:
- the ability to split the refund between two or three bank accounts
- an option to allocate a portion of the refund to be paid by check
- an option to purchase up to three savings bonds
Note: Form 8888 isn't available in a return unless this option is checked.
Display Summary using 1040 View
Working in a return, at the Tax Return Summary page you can toggle between two views of the return:
- Summary View - display a summary of the Form 1040 numbered schedules.
- 1040 View - display each page of the tax return plus the numbered schedules.
If this option is checked, 1040 View is the view that will be toggled to display by default at the Tax Return Summary page.
Hide Preparer Name on 1040 Print
If checked, the preparer's name won't print in the space provided in the Form 1040 "Paid Preparer Use Only" section. (All the other info in that section will still print.)
Firm Name Settings on 1040 Print
This drop down menu has two options:
- Print ERO Name on 1040 as Firm's Name
- Print Office Name on 1040 as Firm's Name
If your office name (in Office Setup) and your ERO name (in ERO Setup) are the same, then these options are identical and it doesn't matter which you select. But if the two names are different, enter the one you'd like to print for the firm name in the "Paid Preparer Use Only" section of Form 1040/1040-NR.
Always Print Schedule A
If checked, Schedule A will always print with a tax return, irrespective of whether the return uses standard deduction or itemized deductions.
Use Topaz Signature Pad
Check this only if you are using a Topaz model signature pad.
Note: If this option is checked, you will not be able to capture signatures using a mouse.
Force Verification of IP Address
If checked, the IP address for anyone attempting to log into your ProWeb office will be checked against the Office IP Whitelist in ProWeb Configuration. If their IP address is on the list they will be allowed to log in.
Note: Do not check this box if you have not specified any IP addresses in the Office IP Whitelist. You will inadvertently lock everyone out of your ProWeb office who's not already logged in.
IP addresses don't change often, but if a preparer doesn't have a fixed IP address their internet service provider (ISP) can change their IP address at any time, so while IP address verification provides an extra level of security for your office it also means that a preparer might find themselves locked out due to their ISP changing their IP address.
If you are committed to using IP address verification:
- Preparers should avoid using a VPN.
- Preparers should consider obtaining a fixed IP address from their ISP.
Default State Return Type to be Sent Through Bank
If checked, if the federal return includes a bank product then the state return will automatically also include a bank product. This can be changed at the E-File page if desired.
Require Email Address Entry on Efile Page
If checked, an email address is required for the primary taxpayer before the return can be e-filed. The address is entered on the E-File page under the Tax Preparation and E-File Information menu.
Default Tax Returns to Spanish
If checked, when working on a tax return the menus will be in Spanish, and tax forms will print in Spanish if a Spanish version is available.
Require Return Tag(s) for Saving Returns
If your office is using Return Tags to help track and sort returns, check this option to require each return be assigned a tag. See here for more information about Return Tags.
Maximum number of clients to display on client list
To avoid long loading times for offices with a large client list, the Client List will change to an easier-to-manage searchable format when its size is greater than the number specified here.
The default number of clients to display is 999. You can increase this number if desired, bearing in mind that the Client List may take longer to load.
Designee Prefill Setting
This drop down menu controls what information prints in the "Third-Party Designee" block at the bottom of Form 1040/1040-NR and has three options:
- Default to Preparer - The preparer's info will print.
- Enter Specific Person - With this option, you can enter the name, 5-digit PIN, and phone number of the default third-party designee.
- Leave Blank - Self-explanatory.
Additional Information: