Once Employee Accounts have been set up in Account Hub, they can be restricted with Security Templates just like preparer accounts in TaxSlayer Pro Desktop and ProWeb. There are two steps to the process:
- Create the security template.
- Assign it to an employee account.
To create a security templates for your employee accounts in Account Hub, log into Account Hub and follow these steps:
- Select Account Information in the left menu.
- Select VIEW in the Security Management tile.
- Select ADD TEMPLATE in the Security Template Management menu
- Give the Security Template a name (e.g., Assistant Manager, Junior Preparer, etc.).
- Check the box next to the feature an employee with this template will have access to:
After the template has been successfully created, it can be assigned to an employee account as follows:
- Select ASSIGN in the Security Template Management menu:
- Check the box next to the employee username you want to assign the template to.
- Select Save.
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