If you are trying to reset your password for your Account Hub and you get the message "Username does not exist or does not have access to this application," there are a few things you can check before calling support.
Are you at the Account Hub website?
Being at the wrong website is the most common reason a username error appears. Ensure you are at the correct website: taxslayerpro.taxofficemanagement.com. At the top of the website you'll see "Log in to Account Hub".
Have you spelled your username correctly?
Ensure you haven't mistyped your username. Uppercase and lowercase don't matter, but even if it is one character off the website will not recognize it.
Has your username recently changed?
If you have recently gotten a new TaxSlayer Pro account, or branched off from another tax office to your own tax office, your username more than likely has changed.
Ensure you are using your current username when completing the Forgot Password/Password Reset process.
Do you have a login to Account Hub or only to ProWeb?
Typically only the ERO will have access to Account Hub. If you are not the ERO for your office, it is possible you do not have access to Account Hub and you only have a login to ProWeb. If this is the case, you will want to log in at online.taxslayerpro.com.