IRS Form 9325 is a confirmation form from the IRS that the original individual tax return or extension has been received through the electronic filing process and accepted by the IRS.
You're not required to provide Form 9325 along with the rest of the tax return, but some taxpayers may request this form to prove their returns have been e-filed and accepted by the IRS. On the other hand, some preparers print this form automatically for every return and extension for their own recordkeeping purposes as well as to provide a copy to the taxpayer.
In TaxSlayer ProWeb, Form 9325 is printed via a print set. You can include it in an existing print set, or you can create a print set dedicated to printing only Form 9325.
Creating a print set for Form 9325
To create a print set for Form 9325 by itself, from the ProWeb Welcome Page select:
- Configuration
- Print Sets - Click + ADD PRINT SET.
- Enter a name for the print set, e.g., "Form 9325".
- Locate Form 9325 in the forms list, either by scrolling to it or entering it in the search field.
- Once you've found it, use its drop down menu to select the number of copies to print.
- Click SAVE when finished.
Adding Form 9325 to a print set
To add Form 9325 to an existing print set, from the ProWeb Welcome Page select:
- Configuration
- Print Sets - Locate the print set you'd like to add it to and click EDIT.
- Locate Form 9325 in the forms list, either by scrolling to it or entering it in the search field.
- Once you've found it, use its drop down menu to select the number of copies to print.
- Click SAVE when finished.
In order to print Form 9325, it needs to be added to a print set. To add the form to an existing print set, from the ProWeb Welcome Page select Configuration > Print Sets. Select EDIT next to the print set you want to add Form 9325 to. Scroll to Form 9325 and select the number of copies you would like to print. Select SAVE.
Printing the Form 9325 print set
If you created a print set dedicated to Form 9325, you can select to print it anywhere in ProWeb where print sets are available.
The easiest way to print it is to select the printer icon for the taxpayer in your Client List and choose "Form 9325" (or whatever you called it).
Form 9325 and the amended return
As of tax year 2023, the latest revision of Form 9325 was produced for tax year 2017. The IRS introduced electronically filing the 2019 amended return during tax year 2020. Thus, Form 9325 does not yet include a way to show information for electronically filed amended returns since e-filing the amended return wasn't available at the time of the last revision. Until the IRS updates Form 9325 to show amended return information, it can only show original return information.