See this article if you aren't familiar with the process of creating an amended return in TaxSlayer Pro.
In TaxSlayer Pro, you won't see the e-file option in the 1040-X menu if the original return isn't marked for e-file, as the IRS will only accept an e-filed amended return if the original return was also e-filed. Also, you do not have to be the original e-filer to e-file the amended return.
Once you have completed the amended return and are ready to e-file it, in the Edit Form 1040X Menu select Mark Form 1040-X to Send Electronically? and answer YES to the confirmation question.
If the amended return results in an amount owed to the IRS, you can enter payment information for the payment to be debited from the taxpayer's bank account by selecting Form 1040-X Electronic Payment. Once you enter the Electronic Payment Menu you will need to enter all the details requested (bank routing and account numbers and account type, amount and date of payment, and a daytime telephone number), otherwise to exit the menu select Remove Electronic Payment. Note that the IRS requires the date of payment to be "today". You cannot specify a future payment date.
Note: If the amended return results in a refund, the Electronic Payment Menu will be inaccessible since the IRS will only issue the refund by check.
When you are ready to send the amended return electronically, select Ready to Send Form 1040-X Electronically? and answer YES to the confirmation question. After exiting the return, the amended return will be in the E-File Transmission Table ready to be sent.
Note: If you are also amending a state return, the state amended return isn't linked to the federal amended return, therefore the state amended return must be transmitted separately as a "state only" transmission after the federal amended return has been both transmitted and accepted by the IRS.
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