Once Refund Advantage has approved your ERO Enrollment Application, you will be able to set Refund Advantage as your bank in TaxSlayer Pro.
To access the Bank Setup Menu, from the main menu of of TaxSlayer Pro Select:
- Configuration
- Electronic Filing / Bank Setup
Bank Setup Menu - Select Bank Used for Bank Products:
- Select Refund Advantage:
You should now be at the Refund Advantage Bank Setup Menu:
- Bank Used for Bank Products - Refund Advantage
- Refund Advantage Login Information - Click to open your web browser to the Refund Advantage login window for your account where you can print checks, run reports, etc.
- Can Offer Advances - Select YES if you are approved to offer advances. (If you can't select Yes, then you aren't approved for advances.) Refund advance options won't be available in returns unless this option is set to Yes.
- Can Offer Pre-Ack Advances - Select YES if you are approved to offer pre-ack advances. (If you can't select Yes, then you aren't approved for pre-acks.) Pre-ack refund advance options won't be available in returns unless this option is set to Yes.
- Offer Debit Cards - Select YES if you opted in to offer prepaid debit cards. The bank will send you the cards, not us. Debit card options won't be available in returns unless this option is set to Yes.
- Default Sending States Thru Bank - Select YES if you want state refund disbursements to default to using the same bank product selection as on the federal return. (This is only the default setting. When working in the return, you can always change the state return to use or not use a bank product as the taxpayer desires.)