Client signatures and paid preparer signatures captured with a signature pad by TaxSlayer Pro preparers who have purchased the Premium package are supported on the e-file signature authorization form for the following states:
Alabama (Form AL8453)
California (Form 8879)
Colorado (Form DR 8453)
Delaware (Form DE-8453)
Georgia (Form GA-8453)
Iowa (Form IA-8453-IND)
Illinois (Form IL-8453)
Indiana (Form IT-8879)
Kentucky (Form 8879-K)
Louisiana (Form LA 8453)
Maryland (Form EL101)
Massachusetts (Form M-8453) (taxpayer only, not preparer)
Michigan (Form MI-8453)
Mississippi (Form 80-115)
New Mexico (Form PIT-8453)
New York (Form TR-579-IT)
Oklahoma (Form 511EF)
Oregon (Form OR-EF)
Pennsylvania (Form PA-8879)
South Carolina (Form SC8453)
Vermont (Form 8879-VT)
West Virginia (Form WV-8453)
Captured signatures are not supported on any state form other than the e-file signature authorization.
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