If you have enrolled with a bank to offer refund transfer options to your clients, in TaxSlayer Pro you will indicate the bank you are enrolled with in the Bank Setup Menu. To access this menu, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Configuration
- Electronic Filing / Bank Setup
- Bank Setup Menu
Select Bank Used for Bank Products and select the bank you have enrolled with from the list. If you do not see the bank you enrolled with in the list, it may be due to the enrollment application not yet being approved, or it could be due to a technical problem. Verify in your Account Hub whether or not you've been approved, and if you have been approved contact Pro Support for assistance.
For certain banks, you will be asked to confirm the contracted refund transfer fee. If asked, be sure to select the correct fee from the list provided.
Once you have indicated which bank you are using, several other menu options will be available:
- Can Offer Advances - Set to YES if you have been approved by the bank to offer refund advances. Refund advance options won't be available in returns unless this option is set to YES.
- Can Offer Pre-Ack Advances - Set to YES if you have been approved by the bank to offer advance loans during the period before the IRS has issued its first acknowledgement. An advance option chosen in a return during the pre-ack period won't be considered a pre-ack advance unless this option is set to YES.
- Offer Debit Cards - Set to YES if you will be offering debit cards as a refund transfer option. Debit card options won't be available in returns unless this option is set to YES.
- Default Sending States Thru Bank - Set to YES to have the state refund automatically use the bank transfer option when marking the state return for e-file. Set to NO to query the refund transfer option when marking the state return for e-file.
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