Note that the options under the Advanced Billing Setup Menu are only applicable to individual tax returns, not business returns.
Require DD & EM Returns to be Paid before Transmitting?
DD = refund by direct deposit; EM = refund by check. If set to Yes, non-bank product completed returns aren't pulled into the Transmission Table until they are paid in full.
Take the > of Last Year Fee * 0% & Current Fee
Select this item and enter a number if desired that will be the percentage to increment last year's fee for comparison purposes. For each return, the fee charged will be the greater of this year's fee or last year's fee incremented by the percentage and rounded up. After this configuration is set, for a given return you will need to select the Preparation Fee line in the Receipt Menu to update the fees.
Do DD and EM returns for free?
If set to Yes, returns that do not include a bank product and include no preparation fees will be added to the E-file Transmission Table.
Require Authorization Code for Fee Change?
An authorization password can be set, and the preparer must enter this password in order to edit the fees on the invoice in the Receipt Menu at the end of the return.
Generate Sales Tax on Preparer Fee
If required in your state, enter the sales tax rate for sales tax to be calculated on the preparation fees and added to the invoice.
Default Discount Percent
In the Receipt Menu after exiting a return, you have the option of generating a discount for the client. Enter here the default percentage discount to populate. It can also be changed on a return if desired.
Default Discount Amount
In the Receipt Menu after exiting a return, you have the option of generating a discount for the client. Enter here the default dollar discount to populate. It can also be changed on a return if desired.
Display Last Year's Fee at the Receipt Menu
For reference purposes, last year's fee, if any, can be displayed in the Receipt Menu.
Display Additional Fees in E-file Menu
When marking a return for electronic filing, the list of filing options can include the fees next to each bank product option. Set to Yes to display those fees or No to hide them.
Display Preparer Fee on 1040 Menu
If set to Yes, the current preparer fee, as calculated according to the fees configured in the Fee Setup Menu, will display at the top of the main window in a 1040.
Additional Fees
- Offer SecurelyID - see here for more information about SecurelyID
- Offer Audit Maintenance Pro - see here for more information about Audit Maintenance Pro
- Offer Protection Plus - see here for more information about Protection Plus