Transmitter's EFIN - Enter here your Electronic Filer Identification Number (EFIN). Ensure the number you enter is correct. This is also the EFIN associated with returns that are sent from one office to another using Office To Office Transfer.
E-File Ack Setup Menu
- Download Acks When Transmitting - If set to YES, acknowledgements will be received after transmitting returns. If set to NO, acknowledgements are only received on demand via the E-File Menu.
- Always View E-File Reports - If set to YES, e-file reports are viewed in PDF and can be printed to paper if desired within your PDF viewing software. If set to NO, e-file reports are printed to paper. Note: This option is set to YES for users of TaxSlayer Pro Premium who are using the PaperCut Paperless Option.
- Print Form 9325 When Receiving Acknowledgements - If set to YES, Form 9325 will print automatically for each acknowledgement received.
- Ack Routing Menu - This menu can be used by an ERO with multiple offices transmitting returns with multiple EFINs to ensure that acknowledgements can be picked up by the office that needs them. This is an unusual configuration and must be arranged with TaxSlayer Pro Technical Support.
Last ITIN Serial Number Used - Serial number refers to the last four digits of a SSN or ITIN. For an individual who has neither a SSN or ITIN, you will create their return in TaxSlayer Pro using an SSN of all zeroes. After exiting the return, the serial number will be incremented to the next number available. If for some reason the last serial number used needs to be adjusted, you can do that here.
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