Here are some important resources for New York State corporate tax filers.
- Corporation tax resource center
Clients can find all the resources they need to maintain their business information, comply with filing requirements, and manage their corporation status with New York State. Visit Corporation tax resource center for more information.
- View the payment and filing history for a business online
Before filing their tax return, every client should review their tax account balance in their Online Services account. Verifying their account balance will avoid discrepancies and prevent delays in processing their return.
- Change a business address or phone number online
Every client with a Business Online Services account can update their business address and phone number online using the department’s Business Change of Address online service. Visit Change my address for more information.
- File a power of attorney online
If your client needs you or another individual to obligate, bind, or appear on their behalf for tax matters, they may need to file a power of attorney. The fastest way to file Form POA-1, Power of Attorney, is online through an Online Services account. Visit Power of attorney and other authorizations and Form POA-1, Power of Attorney for information and instructions.
- Tax filing calendar
View the Tax Department’s calendars to find due dates for corporation franchise tax, personal income tax, sales tax, withholding tax, and the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax (MCTMT). Visit Tax Filing Dates for information.