To access the following items, from the Main Menu of the tax return (Form 1040) select:
- Income
- IRA/Pension Distributions (1099R,RRB-1099-R)
- Other button
IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions - If the taxpayer made a qualified charitable distribution from their IRA, select YES. Return to the previous menu to enter the information from the taxpayer’s Form 1099-R. Exclude the amount the qualified charitable distribution from the amount you enter in box 2a.
When you view Form 1040, the abbreviation QCD will print at the bottom of page 2.
HSA Funding Distribution - An HSA funding distribution (HFD) is a distribution made directly by the trustee of an IRA (other than an ongoing SEP or SIMPLE IRA) to the taxpayer’s HSA. If eligible, generally the taxpayer can elect to exclude an HFD from their income once in their lifetime. The amount excluded cannot be more than the limit on HSA contributions or more than the amount that would otherwise be included in income. If the IRA includes nondeductible contributions, the HFD is first considered to be paid out of otherwise taxable income.
If the taxpayer elects to exclude the HFD from income, select this line to change it from NO to YES. Return to the previous menu to enter the information from the taxpayer’s 1099-R. Exclude from box 2a the amount from the HFD. When you view Form 1040, the abbreviation HFD will print at the bottom of page 2.
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Taxable Roth Conversion from Prior Year - Amounts transferred from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA that haven't already been taxed are taxable. Complete Form 8606 and enter here the sum of taxable amounts calculated at the end of each of the form's parts (the amounts don't automatically transfer here.)
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Additional Gross/Taxable Pension - If there is any additional taxable pension and annuities amount not included anywhere else in the return, enter the amount here.
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Form 8915-D - Qualified 2019 Disaster Distributions (After 2019) - Taxpayers adversely affected by a natural disaster in 2019 and who received a distribution from a retirement plan in 2020 aren't subject to the additional tax on early distributions. This menu provides a place to enter required information on Form 8915-D, Qualified 2019 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments.
Who needs to file this form:
- Taxpayers who received a qualified 2019 disaster distribution from an eligible retirement plan before June 17, 2020.
- Taxpayers who received a qualified 2019 disaster distribution in 2019 and are including it in income in equal amounts over 3 years, or
- Taxpayers who made a repayment of a qualified 2019 disaster distribution in 2020.
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Form 8915-F - Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments (2021 and forward) - Form 8915-F is used to report disaster distributions in the following scenarios:
- 2021 and future years
- Qualified 2021 and later disaster distributions;
- Income in the current year from a prior year disaster distribution;
- Repayments of qualified 2021 and later disaster distributions; and
- Other qualified distributions received in 2021 and later years.
- In 2021 but related to tax year 2020
- Qualified 2020 disaster distributions (other than coronavirus-related) made in 2021;
- Repayments of qualified 2020 disaster distributions;
- Income in 2021 and later years from qualified 2020 disaster distributions;
- Qualified distributions received on January 1, 2021, for the Washington (8593-DR-WA) disaster; and
- Qualified 2020 disaster distributions that can be made in 2022 (if provided through legislation);
2023 and Prior Years - Additional Menus
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Form 8915-A - Qualified 2016 Disaster Distributions (After 2017) - Taxpayers adversely affected by a natural disaster in 2016 and who received a distribution from a retirement plan aren't subject to the additional tax on early distributions. This menu provides a place to enter required information on Form 8915-A, Qualified 2016 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments. Who needs to file this form:
- Taxpayers who received a qualified 2016 disaster distribution in 2016 or 2017 that they are including in income in equal amounts over 3 years, or
- Taxpayers who made a repayment of a qualified 2016 disaster distribution in the tax year.
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Form 8915-B - Qualified 2017 Disaster Distributions (After 2017) - Taxpayers adversely affected by a natural disaster in 2017 and who received a distribution from a retirement plan aren't subject to the additional tax on early distributions. This menu provides a place to enter required information on Form 8915-B, Qualified 2017 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments. Who needs to file this form:
- Taxpayers who received a qualified 2017 disaster distribution from an eligible retirement plan in 2018, or
- Taxpayers who received a qualified 2017 disaster distribution in 2017 and are including it in income in equal amounts over 3 years, or
- Taxpayers who made a repayment of a qualified 2017 disaster distribution in the tax year.
Taxpayers who might not be required to file a tax return must still file Form 8915-A or 8915-B if they meet the requirements for the form.
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Form 8915-C - Qualified 2018 Disaster Distributions (After 2019) - Taxpayers adversely affected by a natural disaster in 2018 and who received a distribution from a retirement plan in 2020 aren't subject to the additional tax on early distributions. This menu provides a place to enter required information on Form 8915-C, Qualified 2018 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments. Who needs to file this form:
- Taxpayers who received a qualified 2018 disaster distribution from an eligible retirement plan before June 17, 2020.
- Taxpayers who received a qualified 2018 disaster distribution in 2018 or 2019 and are including it in income in equal amounts over 3 years, or
- Taxpayers who made a repayment of a qualified 2018 disaster distribution in 2020.
Taxpayer's / Spouse's Form 8915-E - Qualified 2020 Disaster Distributions (2020 only) - Taxpayers adversely affected by the coronavirus in 2020 and who received a distribution from a retirement plan in 2020 aren't subject to the additional tax on early distributions and have the option to spread distribution over three years to reduce its impact on the tax return. This menu provides a place to enter required information on Form 8915-E, Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments.
Who needs to file this form: Taxpayers who received a qualified 2020 disaster distribution from an eligible retirement plan before December 31, 2020.
Note: This is a guide to entering information in the TaxSlayer Pro Other Data menu under IRA/Pension Distributions. It is not intended as tax advice.
Additional Information:
IRS: Form 8915-A Instructions (2020 final year)