In TaxSlayer Pro, information about dependents is entered in the Dependents & Qualifying Children menu Personal Information.
When starting a return for a prior year client, you will have the option to pull in prior year information including dependent information. Otherwise, dependents can be added to the return as needed.
To change information for any individual shown, double-click their menu line or single-click to select them and then click Edit.
Months - Enter the number of months that the dependent lived with the taxpayer. If the dependent was born or died during the tax year, enter 12 months. If the dependent did not live with the taxpayer during the year, but is considered a dependent for any of the following reasons, enter the code provided.
- KC - The dependent was kidnapped for part or all of the year
- CN - The dependent lived in Canada for all or part of the year
- MX - The dependent lived in Mexico for all or part of the year
- NC - The dependent did not live with the taxpayer due to divorce or separation
- OT - The dependent did not live with the taxpayer due to circumstances other than divorce or separation
Full-Time Student - Change to Yes if the dependent was enrolled as a full-time student during any part of 5 calendar months during the tax year. In this context, the school is postsecondary. It can include a technical, trade, or mechanical school, as well as a full-time, on-farm training course given by a school or a state, county, or local government agency. It does not include a school offering courses only through the Internet, a correspondence school, or an on-the-job training course. (This question mainly has relevance for a dependent older than 18 and younger than 24.)
Disabled - Change to Yes if the dependent is permanently and totally disabled at any time during the tax year. A person is considered disabled if they can't engage in any substantial gainful activity because of a physical or mental condition and a doctor has determined that this condition has lasted or can be expected to last continuously for at least a year or can be expected to lead to death.
Dependent Care Expenses Paid - Select this line and enter the amount of dependent care expenses paid. The Form 2441 instructions here provide information on what expenses can be included. You will be prompted to fill out Form 2441 when you exit the dependent's menu if an amount is entered on this line.
U.S. Citizen, national or resident alien qualifying for CTC/ODC - In order to be eligible for the child tax credit or the credit for other dependents, the dependent must be a U.S Citizen, U.S. national, or resident alien.
Qualifies for Child Tax Credit (CTC) & Qualifies for Other Dependent Credit - TaxSlayer Pro will default these options to Yes or No depending on previously entered information for the dependent, but the answer can be changed as needed.
2018 and prior - Child Tax Credit/Other Dependent Credit Due Diligence Questions - Paid tax preparers are required to verify that the dependent meets eligibility requirements in order to claim the child tax credit or the credit for other dependents. Select this menu option and answer Yes, No or Does Not Apply for each of the due diligence questions.
Dependent Due Diligence Notes - Paid tax preparers are required to enter notes about the information received when determining eligibility for certain refundable credits. Select Dependent Due Diligence Notes to detail the questions that were asked and any documentation that was reviewed by you in determining eligibility. For additional information on Paid Preparer Due Diligence Requirements, click here. These notes will print with Form 8867 if the return qualifies for EIC.
Remove from EIC/SSN Not Valid for EIC - Change to Yes if the dependent's SSN is not valid for Earned Income Credit (EIC) purposes or if the taxpayer does not wish to claim EIC for this dependent.
Qualifying Child Not a Dependent - Change to Yes if the taxpayer is claiming certain tax credits for a child, but not claiming the child as a dependent.
Is this Person Married - Change to Yes if the dependent or qualifying person is married.
Generally, if the dependent or qualifying person is married and files a joint return, they cannot be claimed as a dependent. However, if the dependent or qualifying person is married and doesn't file a joint return or files a joint return only to claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax paid, they may be able to be claimed as a dependent. See IRS Publication 501 for more information.
If Married, Filing MFJ Return Only for Claim of Refund - Change to Yes if the dependent or qualifying person is married and is filing a joint return only to claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax paid.
Identity Protection PIN - If the dependent or qualifying person was issued an Identity Protection PIN from the IRS, enter the 6-digit PIN here. If the IRS has issued a PIN to this individual but it is omitted, the return will reject if it is electronically filed.