Form 9325 is for individual tax returns. The IRS has not provided a similar form for business returns. In TaxSlayer Pro, print the business return's status info under View Entity Status.
IRS Form 9325 is a confirmation form from the IRS that the individual tax return or extension has been received through the electronic filing process and accepted by the IRS. You're not required to provide Form 9325 along with the rest of the tax return, but some taxpayers may request this form to prove their returns have been e-filed and accepted by the IRS. Some preparers print this form automatically for every return and extension for their own recordkeeping purposes as well as to provide a copy to the taxpayer.
Automatic printing with every acknowledgement
To generate Form 9325 automatically with each acknowledged return, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Configuration
- Electronic Filing/Bank Setup
- E-File Ack Setup Menu
- Print Form 9325 When Receiving Acknowledgements - Answer the confirmation question Yes.
Printing for a specific client
There are two ways to print Form 9325 for a specific client:
- From the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Reports
- Print Form 9325 - Select to print Form 9325, either for a single SSN's return or extension, or for all returns or extensions accepted by the IRS within a specified date range.
- Within the tax return, Form 9325 is available to print under the View Results menu if the return has been e-filed and accepted.