In TaxSlayer Pro, the Receipts menu allows you to manage the reporting of payments and print receipts without having to open the associated tax return. You can also keep track of miscellaneous non-tax return receipts if you aren't using your existing bookkeeping software for this purpose.
To enter a payment, from the Quick Menu of TaxSlayer Pro select:
- Reports
- Receipts
Pay Receipts
Select this menu option to add a payment to a tax return as follows:
- Select the client from the list
- If this is the first payment on this invoice, you can either ...
- enter the payment amount, method, and date when prompted; or
- press the F10 key on your keyboard to open the Payment History window, then select New and enter the payment method, date, and amount when prompted.
- If this is not the first payment on this invoice, the Payment History window will open. Select New and enter the payment method, date, and amount.
Note: The Master Report will update with this new information.
View Last Tax Receipt
Select this menu option to open the last 4-part receipt printed for a tax return in PDF form.
Print Miscellaneous Receipt
A miscellaneous receipt is a receipt of payment for anything else not represented on a tax return invoice. You can use this option to provide a receipt to a client for a non-tax return payment if you aren't using your existing bookkeeping software for this purpose.
To create a miscellaneous receipt, select Print Miscellaneous Receipt and enter information in the Miscellaneous Receipt Information Entry window, the first of two windows. In the second window, the Miscellaneous Receipt Menu, enter info in the Return Paid, Last Year's Fee, New Client, and Remarks fields as desired.
After you have finished entering the info, select Generate Miscellaneous Receipt to send the receipt to the printer. (It will not open in PDF form.)
Note: Be sure to print the receipt, otherwise the information will not be retained after exiting the menu.
View Last Miscellaneous Receipt
This option will open a PDF copy of the last miscellaneous receipt you generated.
Pay Miscellaneous Receipts
Enter further payment for any of the Miscellaneous Receipts you have generated and indicate the payment date.
Note: Unlike payments on invoices for prepared returns, only one payment entry can be made for a Miscellaneous Receipt.